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Pench, Kanha & Bandhavgarh National Parks - October / November 2009

I returned home from India on 4 November having spent almost three weeks travelling within the tiger reserves of Pench, Kanha and Bandhavgarh.  My journey commenced at Pench where I remained for three days.  The National Park is located in the Seoni and Chindwara districts of Madyha Pradesh and the beautiful park area is a blend of both dry and moist deciduous and tropical forest with the Pench River meandering through the entire 757 sq km stretch of the reserve.  Unfortunately, during my stay, I was unsuccessful in sighting any of the park's tiger population.  This may have been due to the disturbance caused by the forest department in attempting to tranquilise a male tiger for the purpose of relocation to Panna tiger reserve.   From Pench I travelled to Kanha tiger reserve which is situated in the heart of the Sal forests within the central highlands of India.  Here I enjoyed some magnificent sightings of tigers, leopard and even sloth bear.  After four productive photographic days at Kanha I departed for Bandhavgarh tiger reserve where I was to remain until my departure for Delhi on 3 November.  My time at Bandhavgarh was spent in both the Tala and Magdhi ranges of the park.  Although I did not see my favourite tiger, 'B2', I was assured that  he was well and continuing to patrol his home range and visit the tigresses with whom he has mated.  However, in the Tala range I was delighted to photograph the Jhurjura tigress with one of her sub-adult female cubs (last June I had spent much time watching them both at the Rajbehra dam).  I was also able to see the Mirchani tigress together with her three young cubs and one of the sub-adult male cubs from her previous litter.  The photograph above was taken on 24 October at Kanha showing a male tiger that I had followed by jeep just as he was about to leave the track and disappear into the forest.  A selection of images from my visit to the three tiger reserves in India can be found by following this "Link" to the 'Picture Gallery' section of 'tigersintheforest'.